Creobroter Genus: Asian Flower Mantis Keeping

Introducing the Asian Flower Mantis – Creobroter genus, a group of beautiful and captivating mantises spread across Asia. This article explores the three similar species: Creobroter elongata, Creobroter gemmatus, and Creobroter pictipennis. Discover their unique traits, enchanting appearance, and intriguing behaviors that make them a favorite among mantis enthusiasts and beginners alike.

Asian flower mantis

Asian Flower Mantis General Description

The Creobroter genus, affectionately known as the “Asian Flower Mantis”, encompasses a group of middle-sized, exceptionally beautiful mantises. Their enchanting appearance, resembling delicate and colorful flowers, has earned them this charming nickname. These mantises are a favorite among enthusiasts and beginners alike due to their ease of care and captivating allure.

Physical appearance

The Asian Flower Mantises, including Creobroter elongata, Creobroter gemmatus, and Creobroter pictipennis, share strikingly similar physical features. Adult males and females of these species measure approximately 3cm and 4cm, respectively. They have elongated bodies and are adorned with an array of green to brown or red-brown color variants, blending seamlessly with their natural surroundings.

One of the notable characteristics of these mantises is their ability to fly. Both genders possess long wings, granting them the freedom of flight. Additionally, during the nighttime hours, their eyes undergo a fascinating transformation, changing color from brown to violet, which enhances their nocturnal activities and adds to their captivating charm.

Geographic distribution

The Asian Flower Mantises are predominantly distributed across various regions in Asia. Creobroter elongata is commonly found in Thailand, while Creobroter gemmatus thrives in the lush landscapes of Vietnam. On the other hand, Creobroter pictipennis has made its habitat in India and the nearby islands.

In their natural habitats, these mantises prefer dwelling among bushes and in damp areas. Their adaptability to different environments allows them to thrive in diverse landscapes, adding to their allure and fascination among enthusiasts and collectors. Understanding their habitat preferences is essential for providing them with suitable care and keeping conditions in captivity.

Creobroter elongata

Keeping Creobroter Genus

Suitability for Beginners

Asian Flower Mantises, belonging to the Creobroter genus, are highly recommended for beginners in the world of mantis keeping. Their ease of care, adaptability, and captivating appearance make them an ideal choice for novice enthusiasts. With proper attention to their habitat and feeding needs, these mantises can thrive and bring joy to even those new to the hobby.

Terrarium Dimensions and Setup

  1. Single Keeping: For individual mantises, a terrarium with dimensions of at least 10cm x 10cm x 15cm is sufficient. Provide suitable decorations such as branches, plants, twigs, and leaves to create a natural environment.
  2. Community Keeping: If keeping multiple Asian Flower Mantises together, a larger terrarium with dimensions of at least 30cm x 30cm x 50cm is recommended. However, it is crucial to keep females separate to prevent aggression among males.

Recommended Lighting, Temperature, and Humidity Levels

  1. Lighting: Daylight is generally adequate for Asian Flower Mantises, but you can also use Halogen lamps or other forms of artificial lighting to provide additional illumination.
  2. Temperature: Maintain a comfortable daytime temperature range of 25°C to 30°C in the terrarium to keep the mantises active and healthy.
  3. Humidity: Aim for a humidity level of 50% to 60% during the daytime and 60% to 70% at night. Spray the enclosure every evening to maintain the appropriate humidity levels, being cautious not to make the environment too wet.

Preferred Food Sources

Asian Flower Mantises are carnivorous and have a diverse diet, including:

  • Drosophila flies
  • House flies
  • Moths
  • Cockroaches
  • Crickets

Offering a varied diet will ensure that they receive the necessary nutrients for proper growth and development.

Similar Keeping Requirements

All three species of Asian Flower Mantises share similar care requirements, making it convenient to care for them in captivity. They prefer a habitat of bushes and damp areas, and their nymphs will adapt their coloration to match their surroundings for camouflage. Adequate lighting, temperature, and humidity levels are essential for the well-being of these mantises, and they thrive when provided with a suitable diet.

Creobroter gemmatus

Nymph Development and Lifecycle

Typical nymph appearance

The nymph development of Asian Flower Mantises, Creobroter elongata, Creobroter gemmatus, and Creobroter pictipennis, showcases a series of fascinating transformations and adaptations as they progress through different stages.

  1. L2 Nymphs: During the second instar, nymphs display a red to brown or black glossy appearance, often resembling ants. This ant-mimicry serves as a protective adaptation, helping them evade potential predators.
  2. L3 Nymphs: In the third instar, the nymphs exhibit a red to brown or white striped appearance, abandoning the ant-mimicry observed in the previous stage.
  3. L4 Nymphs: As they enter the fourth instar, the nymphs undergo their first adjustment to their habitat’s coloration. This adaptation enables them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings for enhanced camouflage and hunting advantages.


The lifespan and developmental milestones of Asian Flower Mantises differ slightly between males and females.

  1. Male Lifespan: Male mantises typically live for approximately 5.5 months, encompassing both the nymph and adult stages. This duration involves around 6 moltings, marking key milestones in their metamorphosis.
  2. Female Lifespan: Females have a slightly longer lifespan, lasting around 9 months, including both nymph and adult stages. Throughout this period, they experience approximately 7 moltings, each signifying progress in their development.

Sexing methods

Accurate sexing of Asian Flower Mantises is crucial for proper care and breeding. Sexing methods vary depending on the life stage:

  1. L5 and Above: From the fifth instar and onwards, males can be distinguished by counting the abdominal segments at the bottom of their abdomen, which typically consists of 8 segments. Additionally, the base of their antennas is usually thicker compared to females.
  2. Adult Males: Adult males are further recognizable by their longer wings compared to their abdomen and a generally thinner body compared to females.
  3. Adult Females: For adult females, the number of abdominal segments is counted at the bottom of the abdomen, typically consisting of 6 segments. The base of their antennas is as thick as the entire antenna.

Mating and Ootheca

Readiness for copulation

Males and females of Asian Flower Mantises reach copulation readiness at specific stages of their development.

  1. Male Readiness: Male mantises are typically ready for copulation around one week after their last molt. At this stage, they exhibit mating behaviors and become more active in seeking potential mates.
  2. Female Readiness: Female mantises become receptive to copulation about two weeks after their last molt. During this period, they release pheromones to attract males and signal their readiness to mate.

Copulation period

The mating process for these mantises usually lasts for approximately 6 to 7 hours. During this time, the male transfers his spermatophore to the female, fertilizing her eggs.

Ootheca formation

After successful copulation, the female Asian Flower Mantises begin the process of ootheca formation, where they lay their eggs in protective cases.

  1. Timing: Ootheca formation typically occurs within 4 days to 1 week after copulation. The female chooses a suitable location to deposit her ootheca.
  2. Appearance: The ootheca appears elongated, similar to a stick, with a yellow color. Within 1 to 2 weeks after formation, the ootheca gradually changes color to brown.

Incubation conditions

Once the ootheca is formed, it needs proper incubation conditions to facilitate hatching.

  1. Incubation Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 24°C to 28°C in the incubation environment. This temperature range is essential for the successful development of the eggs.
  2. Incubation Humidity: Maintain a humidity level of 40% to 60% within the incubation container. Lightly spraying the ootheca every 2 to 3 days helps maintain the necessary humidity.
  3. Incubation Period: The incubation period for Asian Flower Mantis oothecae typically lasts between 4 to 7 weeks. During this time, the eggs develop and undergo metamorphosis within the protective casing.

Upon successful incubation, the ootheca hatches, revealing tiny nymphs, around 3mm to 4mm in size. These nymphs exhibit a reddish-brown, wet-looking appearance, often mimicking ants for added protection.

A single ootheca of Asian Flower Mantises typically produces up to 100 hatchlings.

Creobroter pictipennis


In summary, Creobroter elongata, Creobroter gemmatus, and Creobroter pictipennis, collectively known as Asian Flower Mantises, are captivating and beautiful middle-sized mantises found in various regions of Asia. They possess long wings, can fly, and exhibit remarkable color variations. With at least 21 described species, they are recommendable for beginners due to their ease of care and breeding.

The Asian Flower Mantis charm lies in it’s enchanting appearance and intriguing behaviors. From it’s ant-mimicry as nymph to it’s transformation into stunning adult, it captivate enthusiasts and collectors alike. It’s ability to change eye color at night and it’s captivating ootheca formation further highlight it;suniqueness.

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