Ceratomantis Saussurii: Care Sheet

Meet the captivating Ceratomantis saussurii, a mesmerizing species of praying mantis that has captured the hearts of insect enthusiasts around the world. With its strikingly beautiful appearance and distinctive features, this small yet enchanting mantis stands out in the realm of insects. Adorned with a remarkable crown at the center of its head and adorned with long antennas, Ceratomantis saussurii is a true marvel of nature.

While it may be diminutive in size, this mantis species makes up for it with its awe-inspiring appearance. Its intricate crown, resembling a regal diadem, adds an air of elegance to its otherwise unassuming presence. The elongated antennas that gracefully extend from its head lend an air of mystery to this charming creature.

Ceratomantis saussurii

Genus Description

The Ceratomantis genus holds a distinguished position in the world of praying mantises, thanks to its captivating beauty and charm. Comprising a select group of mantis species, Ceratomantis showcases a unique blend of elegance and grace that sets it apart from its counterparts.

One of the most striking features that define this genus is the presence of a prominent crown-like structure on the head of its members. This beautiful adornment gives Ceratomantis mantises an air of royalty, drawing the admiration of enthusiasts and researchers alike. Paired with their long antennas that gracefully sway as they move, these mantises exude an aura of mystery and sophistication.

However, despite their gentle disposition, it is essential to approach the care of these magnificent creatures with caution and expertise. Their delicate nature and small size require the knowledge and experience of seasoned mantis keepers. As such, Ceratomantis mantises are not recommended for beginners, as they demand a deeper understanding of their specific needs to ensure their well-being and happiness.


Ceratomantis saussurii, both in its nymph and adult stages, boasts an appearance that is nothing short of enchanting. As nymphs progress through their growth stages, they exhibit a characteristic white coloration, which further adds to their allure. Their delicate bodies are adorned with the signature crown-like structure on the head, distinguishing them from other mantises. Additionally, their long, slender antennas gracefully extend from their heads, giving them a regal and elegant appearance.

Upon reaching adulthood, Ceratomantis saussurii maintains its majestic charm with minimal changes in appearance. Their size remains small, with both males and females measuring approximately 2.5 centimeters in length. While they may not be the largest of mantises, their beauty more than compensates for their petite stature.


Ceratomantis saussurii exhibits a series of fascinating behaviors that captivate observers and set them apart from other mantis species. One of their intriguing habits is the trilling of the air with their antennas. This behavior creates an audible sound, adding an element of intrigue to their presence. It is believed that this trilling serves as a form of communication, allowing them to interact with others of their kind or potentially attract mates.

When faced with perceived threats or predators, Ceratomantis saussurii relies on a distinctive escape mechanism – short jumps. Their agile movements enable them to leap away quickly, evading danger and seeking safety in their surroundings. This escape strategy showcases their adaptability and resourcefulness in navigating their environment.

Moreover, their relatively docile nature further contributes to their charm. Unlike some more aggressive mantis species, Ceratomantis saussurii is known for its calm and peaceful demeanor, which makes it an appealing choice for enthusiasts who appreciate a less confrontational pet.

In the world of praying mantises, Ceratomantis saussurii stands out with its enchanting appearance and captivating behaviors. By observing their distinct trilling and graceful escape jumps, we gain a deeper appreciation for the elegance and ingenuity that make these mantises a true wonder of nature.

Ceratomantis saussurii care guide

Natural Habitat

Ceratomantis saussurii is a species of praying mantis that thrives in specific natural habitats, displaying a preference for areas with specific environmental conditions.

Habitat Preferences

The ideal natural habitat for Ceratomantis saussurii consists of dense bushes, shrubs, and plants that provide both shelter and a reliable source of food. These mantises have adapted to dwell in environments where humidity levels are relatively high, ensuring their survival and successful molting. The dampness in their habitat aids in maintaining their hydration levels, which is crucial for their well-being.

Geographical Range

Ceratomantis saussurii is predominantly found in specific regions of Southeast Asia. It has been documented in several countries, particularly in Borneo, South-Myanmar, Thailand, and the Malaysian Peninsular. These areas offer the suitable combination of vegetation, moisture, and climate that cater to the specific needs of this captivating species.

The lush rainforests and dense vegetation of Borneo provide an ideal environment for Ceratomantis saussurii to thrive. In South-Myanmar, the mantises inhabit areas that offer similar conditions, allowing them to flourish in the wild. The diverse and tropical landscapes of Thailand are another region where these mantises have been spotted, making use of the abundance of natural resources available.

Moreover, the Malaysian Peninsular provides a suitable habitat for Ceratomantis saussurii, with its mix of wet and dry areas, contributing to the biodiversity that supports their survival. Within these regions, these mantises have adapted to specific microhabitats, enabling them to successfully breed, grow, and carry on their captivating behaviors.

Care and Keeping

Keeping Ceratomantis saussurii as pets requires careful attention to their specific needs to ensure their well-being and health. These enchanting mantises, with their unique beauty and captivating behaviors, are a delight to care for when provided with the right environment and conditions.

Terrarium Dimensions

For individual keeping, a terrarium with dimensions of at least 10cm x 10cm x 15cm is recommended. This provides enough space for a single mantis to move around comfortably and explore its surroundings. However, for those interested in community keeping, a larger terrarium measuring at least 30cm x 30cm x 50cm is necessary, allowing for the cohabitation of approximately 5 pairs of Ceratomantis saussurii.

Lighting Conditions

Ceratomantis saussurii requires access to natural daylight, but additional lighting in the form of halogen lamps or other suitable light sources is recommended. Providing a light source for approximately 12 hours each day ensures the mantises have enough time to be active and exhibit their natural behaviors.

Temperature Range

Maintaining an appropriate temperature range is crucial for the well-being of these mantises. The daytime temperature in their terrarium should be kept between 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F). During the night, the temperature should not drop below 20°C (68°F) to prevent any stress or adverse effects on their health.

Humidity Levels

Ceratomantis saussurii thrives in a humid environment, and humidity should be maintained at around 60% to 80% during the day. At night, the humidity can be slightly higher, ranging from 70% to 90%. Regularly spraying the terrarium with water in the evenings helps to ensure proper hydration for the mantises without making the environment excessively wet.

Importance of Proper Hydration

Maintaining appropriate humidity levels is crucial for Ceratomantis saussurii, as it aids in their molting process and overall health. However, it is essential to strike a balance and avoid excessive wetness, as this can lead to the growth of mold and potentially harm the mantises. Providing proper hydration through controlled misting and monitoring humidity levels helps mimic their natural habitat and ensures their well-being in captivity.

By adhering to these care guidelines, aspiring keepers can create a suitable environment for Ceratomantis saussurii to thrive. Responsible and attentive care allows these captivating mantises to showcase their unique beauty and enchanting behaviors, providing enthusiasts with a rewarding and delightful pet-keeping experience.

Ceratomantis saussurii keeping

Feeding Habits

Ceratomantis saussurii is a carnivorous species of praying mantis with specific dietary preferences. Providing them with a suitable and varied diet is essential for their growth and overall health. Here are the details of their preferred diet and some additional tips for feeding this captivating species:

Preferred Diet

Ceratomantis saussurii relishes a diet of small insects, which is reflective of their carnivorous nature. As nymphs and adults, they particularly enjoy the following prey items:

  • Drosophila (fruit flies): These tiny flies serve as a staple in their diet and are an excellent source of nutrients.
  • Flies: Small flies, such as house flies or blue bottle flies, are also well-received by these mantises.
  • Moths: Offering moth species, especially small ones, adds variety to their diet and satisfies their predatory instincts.
  • Cockroaches: Small cockroaches can be provided occasionally to complement their diet.
  • Small Crickets: These can be offered as an occasional treat, providing them with different nutrients.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  • Feeding Frequency: It is essential to maintain a consistent feeding schedule for Ceratomantis saussurii. Offer food to nymphs and adults every 1-2 days, ensuring they have a continuous supply of prey to support their growth and development.
  • Prey Size: Tailor the size of the prey items according to the mantises’ developmental stage. For nymphs, provide appropriately sized prey that is easy for them to capture and consume without risk of injury.
  • Live Prey: Ensure that all prey items offered are alive and healthy. Live prey stimulates their natural hunting instincts and encourages active behaviors.
  • Variety: Introduce a variety of prey species to their diet to ensure they receive a diverse range of nutrients. This can contribute to their overall health and well-being.
  • Observation: Carefully observe their feeding behavior to ensure that they consume their prey. If any prey items are not eaten within a few hours, remove them from the terrarium to avoid any potential harm to the mantises.
  • Supplementation: While Ceratomantis saussurii primarily obtains essential nutrients from their prey, some keepers may choose to provide additional supplements. However, it is crucial to consult with experienced mantis keepers or experts before introducing any supplements to their diet to avoid any adverse effects.

By meeting the dietary needs of Ceratomantis saussurii and considering these feeding tips, keepers can ensure that their mantises remain healthy, vibrant, and actively engaged in their natural predatory behaviors. A well-balanced and varied diet contributes significantly to the overall happiness and longevity of these captivating mantises in captivity.

Reproduction and Breeding

Sexing Ceratomantis

Sexing Ceratomantis saussurii can be accomplished at different stages of development. For nymphs at the L5 stage and above, one can distinguish between males and females by counting the abdominal segments at the bottom of the abdomen. Males typically have eight abdominal segments, while females have six.

Upon reaching adulthood, additional characteristics become evident. Adult male mantises tend to have longer wings compared to females, and their bodies may appear thinner. In contrast, adult females have a larger abdomen, shorter wings, and a generally broader appearance.

Readiness for Copulation

For males, they typically become ready for copulation approximately one week after their last molt. Females, on the other hand, reach sexual maturity approximately 10 days after their final molt.

Copulation Period

The copulation period for Ceratomantis saussurii lasts for approximately 8 to 10 hours. During this time, the male and female come together to engage in the mating process, with the male transferring sperm to the female.

Ootheca (Egg Case) Building

After successful copulation, the female will proceed to build the ootheca, or egg case. She produces this protective structure to house her eggs until they hatch. The ootheca is generally formed within 3 to 4 weeks after the female’s last molt.

Location, Number of Eggs, Size, Shape, and Color of the Ootheca

The female places the ootheca on a suitable surface within the terrarium. Common locations include leaves, branches, or other vertical surfaces. The ootheca can contain up to 18 eggs and measures approximately 7mm in size. It has a box-shaped appearance, and individual eggs are visible within the structure. The color of the ootheca is brown, with a white patch in the middle of the upper side.

Incubation Conditions

Once the ootheca is deposited, it enters an incubation period where the eggs develop and mature. The ideal incubation temperature for Ceratomantis saussurii eggs is between 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 86°F). Humidity during incubation should be maintained at around 60% to 70%.

Hatching Period

The incubation period typically lasts for 4 to 5 weeks. After this time, the eggs hatch, and the young nymphs emerge from the ootheca.

By understanding the reproductive process and providing appropriate conditions for incubation, enthusiasts can witness the miracle of new life as the tiny nymphs hatch from their ootheca. Caring for Ceratomantis saussurii during this critical phase ensures the successful development and health of the next generation of these captivating mantises.

Ceratomantis saussurii care sheet


Ceratomantis saussurii is a beautiful, non-aggressive praying mantis with a crown-like structure on its head and long antennas. They prefer damp areas in bushes and can be found in regions like Borneo, South-Myanmar, Thailand, and the Malaysian Peninsular. As pets, they require proper care, including the right terrarium conditions and a diet of small insects. Females lay oothecae with up to 18 eggs, which hatch after 4-5 weeks. Their captivating beauty and unique behaviors make them prized among mantis enthusiasts.

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