Euchomenella macrops – Keeping Guide

Belonging to the branch of imitating praying mantids, Euchomenella macrops is a fascinating species with unique characteristics that set it apart from its relatives. The adult females of Euchomenella, unfortunately, lack the ability to fly due to their reduced wings. However, what they lack in aerial prowess, they compensate for with their intriguing behaviors and captivating appearance.

Euchomenella macrops
© chedric, (CC-BY-NC)


Mantids from the Euchomenella genus are known for their relatively non-aggressive nature, making them suitable to be kept together until they reach the L5/L6 stage. However, it is advised to house larger female nymphs separately for their well-being.

Presently, researchers have described at least eight species within the Euchomenella genus, each possessing its distinct traits. Among them are Euchomenella finoti, E. macrops, E. moluccarum, and E. pallida.

One of the captivating features of Euchomenella is their intriguing behavior when disturbed. Some species display remarkable camouflage skills, blending seamlessly with their surroundings to evade potential threats. Others opt for a more adventurous escape, showcasing agile running and impressive jumping capabilities.

The nymphs of Euchomenella share a typical appearance with larger nymphs, starting from the L2 stage and onward. As they grow and develop, they showcase a captivating transformation, leaving observers in awe of their gradual metamorphosis.

Now, let’s focus on Euchomenella macrops, a charming species found in the picturesque landscapes of Thailand. Classified under the Super-Order Dictyoptera, Order Mantodea, Family Mantidae, Subfamily Angelinae, and Tribe Angelini, E. macrops is a notable representative of its genus.

This dainty praying mantis prefers to inhabit bushes, branches, and trunks in damp areas, where it finds a perfect sanctuary to thrive. With its middle level of aggressiveness, E. macrops displays a balanced approach in its hunting and interactions with other mantises and prey.

The color variants within this species are uniform, without any notable differences among individuals. However, what sets them apart is their remarkable escape strategy. When feeling threatened, E. macrops employs a series of short, agile jumps to swiftly distance itself from potential harm, making it a marvel to watch.

Size and lifespan

The males of this captivating species reach a modest size of approximately 6 centimeters, whereas their female counterparts outshine them, measuring between 8 to 9 centimeters. These size disparities are mirrored in their lifespans. The males’ lifespans span around 8 months (including 6 months as nymphs and 2 months as adults), involving approximately 7 moltings during their developmental journey. On the other hand, the females enjoy a more extended life, lasting around 11 months (including 6.5 months as nymphs and 4.5 months as adults), with nearly 8 moltings contributing to their transformation.


Distinguishing between male and female Euchomenella requires a keen eye and careful observation. For male sexing, once they reach the L5 stage and beyond, the abdominal segments at the bottom of their abdomen serve as a clear indicator, numbering 8 segments. In adulthood, the males can be recognized by their longer wings in comparison to their abdomen, a leaner body structure than the females, and a slender and elongated abdomen.

Female sexing, on the other hand, follows a similar pattern with the L5 stage and above, where the abdominal segments at the bottom of their abdomen are counted, revealing 6 segments. As they mature into adults, the females boast a distinguishable appearance, with a larger and shorter abdomen and reduced wings.

Terrarium Setup

Keeping Euchomenella macrops in captivity requires thoughtful attention to their environmental needs. Providing a suitable light source is crucial, and daylight alone is sufficient, but it is recommended to supplement with halogen lamps or other artificial lighting to ensure a consistent light length of approximately 12 hours daily. Maintaining daytime temperatures between 25°C to 30°C and nighttime temperatures not falling below 20°C will create an ideal climate for these fascinating creatures.

Humidity plays a vital role in their well-being. Maintaining humidity levels between 50% to 60% during the day and 60% to 70% at night is essential. Care should be taken when spraying their terrarium every evening, ensuring that it is not excessively wet, as these mantids prefer moderate humidity levels.

For single keeping, a terrarium with dimensions of at least 20cm x 20cm x 30cm is recommended, while a larger space of at least 50cm x 50cm x 60cm is advised for community keeping, accommodating up to five males. Ample terrarium decorations, such as branches, plants, twigs, leaves, bark sticks, and trunks with approximately 10cm diameter, provide an engaging and natural environment for these mantids.

The terrarium substrate should consist of an earth-sand mixture or pulp to promote a natural setting. When it comes to their diet, Euchomenella macrops enjoy a variety of food options, including Drosophila, flies, moths, cockroaches, and small crickets, ensuring their nutritional needs are met.

When keeping these mantids, it is essential to ensure enough hanging space for them to safely molt. Providing something at the top of the enclosure, such as window screen mesh, allows them to hang comfortably during their molting process.

Euchomenella macrops close up
© Gerard Chartier, (CC-BY)


Mating and breeding Euchomenella macrops requires a delicate understanding of their reproductive behaviors and environmental needs. Male copulation-readiness typically occurs around 10 days after their last molt, while females become receptive approximately 14 days after their last molt. The copulation duration can last anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes, during which the male transfers sperm to the female.

Following successful copulation, the female will begin building oothecae, or egg cases, approximately 4 to 8 weeks after her last molt. These oothecae are typically placed on leaves or branches. Each ootheca can contain up to 10 eggs, and they are cylindrical in shape, measuring about 1.5cm in length and 1cm in diameter. Initially, the ootheca appears dark brown, with a grey layer on the surface.

The incubation period for the oothecae spans 6 to 8 weeks, during which they should be kept at a temperature range of 24°C to 28°C and a humidity level of 50% to 60%. Spraying the oothecae every 2 days helps maintain the required moisture for successful hatching.

Once hatching commences, you can expect an impressive number of nymphs, with up to 90 hatchlings per ootheca. However, the average number usually ranges from 20 to 40. The newly hatched nymphs are about 12mm in size and resemble larger nymphs in appearance. To ensure their survival, keep the breeding temperature between 25°C to 30°C and maintain a humidity level of 60% to 80%, ensuring it is not overly wet.

For breeding success, good ventilation is crucial, and it is recommended to feed small nymphs with appropriately sized food, such as small Drosophila (D. melanogaster).

When it comes to facilitating successful mating, providing some food for the female can be helpful. This keeps her occupied with eating prey while the male approaches her, increasing the chances of a successful mating encounter.

Breeding and raising Euchomenella macrops can be a rewarding and engaging experience for mantis enthusiasts. By understanding their reproductive behaviors and creating a suitable environment, you can witness the wonder of their life cycle and contribute to the conservation of these marvelous creatures.


In conclusion, Euchomenella macrops, the dainty praying mantis of Thailand, offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of mantids. With their captivating behaviors and unique physical traits, these enchanting creatures hold a special allure for nature enthusiasts and researchers alike. Understanding their distinct needs is essential for successful keeping and breeding. From providing the right terrarium setup, temperature, and humidity levels to facilitating successful copulation and oothecae incubation, every aspect of their care contributes to their well-being and reproductive success.

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